​Redeemer Lutheran Church
In the summer of 1913, a nucleus of German Lutherans asked the Reverend William Ketaurakat of Centuria to minister to them for an occasional service once or twice a month. At first, services were held in the homes, but later this group secured the privilege of meeting monthly in Our Savior's Norwegian Lutheran Church (Our Savior's Lutheran Church). Pastor Ketaurakat traveled back and forth between Centuria and Amery on the Soo Line train.
In 1918, the first class was confirmed and a congregational meeting was held to establish a church to be named Redeemer Lutheran Church. The congregation was officially organized on February 18, 1920 after Pastor Medenwald was called to the mission church at a salary of $125.00 per month.
The congregation quickly grew and in 1920 a lot was purchased where the church now stands. All of the rough lumber needed for the foundation came from the Freitag swamp. Men from the congregation spent several days getting the white pine logs out of the swamp so that the logs could be hauled to the Kennedy sawmill. On June 11, 1922, the cornerstone was laid and on November 5, 1922, the church was dedicated. Under Pastor Medenwald's ministry, the congregation grew steadily. He served until February 1953, when he resigned due to poor health.
The sanctuary we enjoy today saw improvements over the years. Stained glass windows in the church were donated as memorials during one of the renovations of the building. The new fellowship hall, kitchen and narthex were dedicated in 1977, and the Sunday School wing and offices were added in 1992.
We currently have around 275 members and are a member congregation of The North Wisconsin District of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.
November 4th, 2012 - 90th Anniversary Celebration (1922-2012)
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Sunday, November 4, 2012 Redeemer Lutheran Church celebrated it's past memories and all the history associated with our church family. Please click on the link below to watch a movie that shows a little about who we are and where we have been. Enjoy seeing all of our past ministers, some of our confirmands, years of our ladies aid, choirs and many events throughout our 90 year history.
Redeemer Lutheran Church confirmed it's first class in 1925